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2023 has been an interesting and challenging year for Buildings Evolved. The emergence of BAU (or new BAU) post Covid, a transforming energy sector, and, rising cost-of-capital concerns have pushed new projects off into the innovation ether.
A flailing private sector, paralised by fluctuating policy and market conditions led us to pursue R&D. We built virtual energy assessment software to provide certainty in a uncertain energy world - A web-based application to help other energy consultants and clients determine the best mix of energy generation, storage and demand management options during pre-design. The software enables rapid energy modelling, make changes to model inputs verbatim, run algorithms to simulate equipment operation and generate financial calculations with improved accuracy and speed. The output business case enables strategic opps to confidently brief engineers on solutions that deliver the best financial outcomes.
An energy consultancy approached us to do some preliminary modelling for a new residential precinct, 12 multi-level mixed-use apartment blocks in Canberra. Estimating energy usage is challenging for new builds as they lack data. Physics based modelling programs are available, however they take time to develop, adding significant cost to preliminary energy modelling in answering fundamental questions like, 'what is possible?' and 'what sand-box should we be playing in?'.
Industrial facilities are high-energy consumers. The rising cost of electricity and gas is a growing concern. Coupled with the pressures of carbon commitments for net-zero - Energy is a big ticket item on the industrial agenda. Clearly, there are many reasons to improve energy efficiency and productivity, and reduce emissions. Namely, to improve the bottom-line and achieve strategic sustainability objectives and goals.
We connected gateways to HVAC and Cooler Classrooms Project systems in NSW schools. Deployed application containers in the schools ITD data centre to push data to the CSIRO smart building data clearing house (DCH). As a part of i-Hub DCH initiative, CSIRO is working with NSW Department of Education, and Buildings Evolved (us) on a project involving the installation of battery storage and HVAC control equipment in three schools... More details Here.
We are currently open to new partnerships with consultants and private sector projects in the new year. Use the buttons below to make a connection.
Ariel is an IoT consultant delivering building-to-grid solutions and smart building strategies for BE for over 5 years. His skill set covers marketing, business intelligence, data analytics, and communications.
I am a learned professional with over 15-years experience in communications, information systems management and technological project development across various businesses and industries. I regularly employ critical thinking to develop systems, specs and procedures to achieve project and organisational goals. Whilst my work leads to technological systems and solutions, I have learnt to focus primarily on people and outcomes rather than technology which is not an end in of itself. From a single application to broad-based innovation, I strive to deliver project outcomes that surpass organisational and market expectations and enact positive organisational, social and environmental change.